The Friends of
Click here to check out all of the "potential new best friends" available at the
Powell County Animal Shelter and in FOPCP's Foster Care.
Featured Animals
Meet Lillie Ann. She is a super outgoing happy girl. She is a young, eager to engage, girl. We think 1 to 2 years old. She is 60 lbs in size. She is great with other dogs and we think she is good with cats once properly introduced. She loves people and is playful both, alone or with other canines. Lillie Ann arrived after a family found her and kept her a couple weeks. She went unclaimed and they had very good things to say about her personality.
It's Kitten Season!!!
It is kitten season and we have a ton of cute kittens to choose from. Cats and kittens can be at risk not to be saved. The over population is very real. Please consider adoption to save a life! Fees for cats are $90. This includes spay or neuter, vaccines and worming.
After hours appts can sometimes be made to view pets with an approved application. Advance notice is needed.
Our Fundraisers are Life-Savers!
Our Kroger fundraiser has changed! It's even easier than before, go to and create a username. Once you've logged on, click community rewards and type in our group name or number 11921. Now when you use your Plus Card or phone number, 4% of your purchase amount will be donated from Kroger (or Kroger affiliate)!
Log on to, and specify “Friends of Powell County’s Pets” for your charitable donations. Then click on the store when you want to shop at. When you check out, iGive will be donate a portion of the sale to FOPCP. Plus, you get access to free shipping deals and exclusive coupons, on top of the great deals you'll find every day through our network of 800+ stores.
PALS Application Still Available!
We offer assistance to Powell County residents in financial need of spaying and neutering their pets. If your household is low-income, you may qualify. You can obtain an application for the PALS program at the Powell County Public Library and at the Powell County Animal Shelter.
Trap-Spay/Neuter-Release (or Adopt!)
Right now, we have a special spay/neuter program for stray cats in the Powell County area. By trapping, altering, and releasing stray cats, we are able to address the animal population in a humane and effective way. For more information, contact the Powell County Animal Shelter at (606) 663-4998 or in person at 121 Echo Hollow Road in Clay City.
Foster Parents and Volunteers Needed!
As an animal rescue, we are always in need of foster parents. This gives us an opportunity to learn about the pet, socialize it, and determine who the pet would be the right forever family. We can also use volunteers at the shelter to keep the facility clean and the animals happy. Contact us for an application to become a foster parent today!